Thu. Oct 24th, 2024

Everything You Need To Know About Net-Zero

As technology tries to combat climate change and become more accessible, going green is one of the effective techniques to execute. “Net zero” energy homes are often associated with green technology; however, not everyone understands it, and how is it different from traditional homes? Let’s look at the answers to these questions below:

What Does Net-Zero Mean?

Net zero is the number of greenhouse gases removed from the atmosphere. Net zero means carbon neutral –it doesn’t produce more greenhouse gasses than you can remove. Net zero is an international goal that aims to reduce the harmful effects of man-made climate change.

What is a Net Zero Home?

A net zero home designuses less energy than it produces and is generally more efficient than the average home. These homes are built using cutting-edge design techniques and energy-efficient materials. Homes that are net zero are energy efficient.

Many people mistakenly believe that net zero homes are regular homes with solar panel roofs. Net zero homes are energy-efficient and can also be powered by renewable energy systems.

Net zero homes have many other characteristics that set them apart from regular homes. These features are common, but others might be optional or unavailable in all homes.


  • Insulation that is efficient and reduces your home’s heating/cooling requirements
  • Storage of energy for cloudy or rainy days
  • Additional HVAC efficiency is achieved through energy-efficient ventilation
  • Sunlight can be used to reduce energy consumption, such as south-facing windows or natural shade features
  • Energy-efficient lighting systems that can be timed or motion-activated.
  • Rain-catching rooftop systems for water conservation
  • To reduce food waste, composting areas are an option
  • Self-cleaning sewage systems
  • To reduce dependency on the fossil fuel-dependent agriculture industry, dedicate vegetable gardens

To know more information about this topic, connect with Hutter Architects. They offer architecture & design services from conception to completion. Contact them at 312.492.8000 or email them at